
Mr. Josie Gijbels graduated with distinction as a Master of Laws from Ghent University in 2018. During her studies, she focused primarily on family law. In 2017, she studied at the University of Valencia, where her focus also encompassed family law in a broader sense.

Driven by this passion for family law, she obtained a Master-after-Master degree in Notarial Law in 2019. This allowed her to expand her knowledge in areas such as the liquidation and distribution of marital estates.

As a lawyer at DGDM, Josie handles family law matters ranging from divorces and adoptions to arrangements concerning children (both residential and financial). She also handles liquidation and distribution after divorce.

Josie provides clients with legal advice and endeavors to seek mutual agreements wherever possible. Since August 2021, Josie has been recognized as a Collaborative Lawyer and has been included on the list of Collaborative Lawyers. When acting as a collaborative lawyer, she aims to resolve disputes through negotiations, in order to reach an amicable agreement that can be endorsed by both parties.

If an agreement proves impossible, Josie initiates proceedings in court.

Since September 2024, Josie finished her two-year training as a Youth Lawyer. She now holds the Certificate allowing her to also assist minors (in the police or before the juvenile court).

Josie’s enthusiasm and empathy give her the drive to find solutions to every problem. Outside of work, Josie enjoys socializing. In her free time, she frequents coffee bars with friends or family, and she goes jogging or walking with her dog.

  • GIJBELS, De vaststelling van vaderschap in het licht van de privacy van de verwekker, Bachelorproef UHasselt, 2016.
  • GIJBELS, Het opleggen van maatregelen overeenkomstig jeugdrechtmodellen: een analyse van de rechtspraak in Hasselt, Masterproef Rechten UGent, 2018.
  • GIJBELS, Co-housing: evalueer uitvoerig het huidig wettelijk kader en doe suggesties tot verbetering, Masterproef Master na Master Notariaat UGent, 2019,

Insights and news items by Josie Gijbels