
Mr. Marie Houbrechts graduated in 2021 with honours in the Ma-na-Ma Notarial studies at the Catholic University of Leuven. Marie previously obtained her Bachelor and Master degrees at the Catholic University of Leuven. During her studies, she also spent a semester in Galway, Ireland in the framework of ERASMUS.

In her Master, Marie participated in the international moot court Philip C. Jessup. With her team she won the Belgian title in 2020.

Since 2021 Marie is working as a lawyer in the Real Estate team. In this team, she can fully develop her verbal reasoning skills in combination with her legal knowledge. She enjoys being intellectually challenged and is always looking for lasting solutions.

In her free time, Marie can be found running in the woods, at a vintage market looking for treasures or in a coffee bar with friends.

Insights and news items by Marie Houbrechts