
Mr Natacha Daumerie graduated in 2020 as Master of Law at KU Leuven where she specialised in both Private Law and Criminal Law.

After her studies, she joined the firm NCLAW in September 2020. There she applied herself to various branches of law (including corporate law, contract law, liability law, traffic law,…).

Since March 2021, Natacha has joined our firm within the Real Estate Law department. In the real estate team, she takes care of rental and construction cases, among other things. She also assists clients, private individuals and entrepreneurs, for example, towards a tailor-made rental agreement.

Thanks to her bilingual upbringing, Natacha handles files in both French and Dutch.

Because of a preference for travelling far away (backpacking through India, North America, Africa,…), Natacha came into contact with several cultures, languages and societies. These diverse experiences have ensured that she has an empathetic and approachable attitude, qualities that she also uses on a daily basis when dealing with clients and handling files.

– N. DAUMERIE, Big Pharma vs. the public interest: a search for justice in patent use, KU LEUVEN, 2020.