
Don't remain a passive victim of violence! A specialist in liability law can familiarise you with the legal tangle.

(Senseless) violent offences have always been a part of life. Not infrequently such incidents take place within the family circle, or between people who have been out for a night on the town.

For the victims, such an event is a very radical and traumatic experience, with potentially major consequences.

Questions as a victim

Victims immediately ask themselves all kinds of questions:

What can I do to ensure that my attacker gets the punishment he deserves?

How can I get compensation for my medical costs?

Can I demand compensation from my attacker, and how do I have to go about that in practice?

How is such compensation calculated?

Getting fast and accurate answers to such questions is crucial for victims of violent offences.

Who can you contact?

As a victim, you can always get help from the Victim Support Services department.

It is also wise to make an immediate declaration about the events to your insurance company or insurance broker. There is a legal assistance clause in most family insurance policies.

This legal assistance covers not only the assistance from a lawyer, but many other things as well. In some cases your insurance will pay out a compensation even if the perpetrator is indigent. So it is definitely worthwhile to make a declaration.

If you were victimised and are struggling with questions or wish to be assisted, contact us. If you have legal assistance coverage, it won’t cost you anything. We will check for you free of charge whether there is an intervention under your insurance.

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More information?

Contact us. We will check for you free of charge whether you have legal assistance coverage.

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