Ingrid De Poorter
Corporate law

Contact Ingrid De Poorter
Ingrid De Poorter, LL.M is a partner at the law firm and is responsible for the corporate law and Privacy & IT teams.
In addition to being a member of the Brussels bar, Ingrid also holds a Ph.D. in law and is a professor at Ghent University. Through her academic background as well as professional experience at diverse financial institutions, Ingrid is a specialist in financial law and corporate law.
Ingrid earned her doctorate in 2006 with prof. Dr. Eddy Wymeersch as promoter. The title of her doctoral thesis was “Controle van financiële verslaggeving: revisoraal en overheidstoezicht” (Verifying financial reports: supervision by auditors and public authorities).
She is also a professor at Ghent University, where she teaches the course in ‘legal and professional standards concerning accountancy and tax consultancy’ for the Master in Tax Law.
She is a non-executive board member at various companies, amongst them ING Bank NV and world renowned research center, imec.
She is also a keynote speaker at numerous national and international conferences on topics such as privacy, directors’ and officers’ liability, financial law and compliance in general.
As an entrepreneur, Ingrid believes it takes bold thinking to transform obstacles, such as new, complex legislation, into opportunities.
Her motto: “Entrepreneurs are simply those who understand that there is little difference between obstacle and opportunity and are able to turn both to their advantage.”
(N. Machiavelli)
Law is Ingrid’s passion, along with her dedication to travelling off the beaten track with her three children. These trips help her to think in a pragmatic, problem-solving way, and to seize opportunities when they arise.
Ingrid also has a long list of publications to her credit.
Notable and recent publication works include:
- DE GEYTER, I. DE POORTER and E. LEROUX, Delegatie en taakverdeling in het bestuur van de naamloze vennootschap (Delegation and allocation of responsibilities in the management of public limited companies), in the Reeks Bibliotheek Handelsrecht, Ghent, Larcier, 2016, 249 p.
- DE POORTER, I., “De Belgische audithervorming: nieuwe verplichtingen voor auditcomités, toegang tot het beroep, deontologie en de controleverklaring van de bedrijfsrevisoren verder toegelicht” (Belgian audit reform: an exploration of new obligations for audit committees, access to the profession, ethics and the audit statement by company auditors), TAA, 2016, 4-23.
- DE POORTER, I., “Definitie en wettelijk kader risicobeheer” (Definition and legal framework in risk management), in Risicobeheer, ICCI, 2015-1, Die Keure, April 2015.