
We assist manufacturers, suppliers as well as intermediaries to see who would be liable. We also help victims of a defective product to see how and from whom to recover damages.

Are all products on the market safe?

Unfortunately, not all new products entering the market are 100% safe. The best-known example concerns the “Softenon” scandal, a sleep aid prescribed to pregnant women in the 1960s for morning sickness. Only years later, this drug was also found to affect the growth process of unborn babies. As many as 60,000 children were born with severe malformations

Another, perhaps more obvious example, is a certain series of television sets that systematically implode and pose a serious risk of fire.

We specialise in such claims. We will be happy to explore the options with you.

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Do you have any questions or concerns?

Feel free to come by for an assessment of the chances of success for your specific case of damage.

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