
Public-Private Partnership (PPP) and Public Procurement

At DGDM, we possess extensive expertise in the field of public-private partnerships.

We provide legal support to both private parties and governments in various projects such as area developments, infrastructure, and urban renewal projects. Additionally, we guide the creation, awarding, and execution of public procurement contracts. We offer strategic advice to governments in charting the right course, and legal advice in drafting (contract) documentation.

Finally, we defend the interests of private and public parties in any procedures related to public procurement, both before civil courts and administrative tribunals.


Local Governments – Local Taxes

DGDM has special expertise in assisting local governments. Through multiple cooperation and framework agreements, we provide the necessary support for various legal issues regarding, among others:

* Real property rights (building rights, long lease, etc.)
* Concessions and lease agreements
* Brownfields
* Drafting regulations

DGDM has considerable experience in local taxation matters, such as vacancy levies, taxes on masts and pylons, taxes on the distribution of non-addressed printed materials, and more.

We offer tailored advice, draft objections, and support parties in legal proceedings before the competent courts. In addition to conducting legal proceedings, DGDM also advises local governments in drafting their tax regulations.


Government Liability

Both governments and injured parties frequently turn to DGDM for damage claims based on government liability. We provide tailored advice and litigate when necessary, while always keeping the door open for negotiations and mediation processes.


Environmental Law

At DGDM, we have extensive experience in environmental law. Our team of specialized lawyers offer legal and strategic support to governments in complex issues and procedures regarding spatial planning and the environment.

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